internet kullanıcı sayısı 1 milyarı aştı - Internet Population Passes One Billion

işte haberin orijinali ve ülkelerin listesi. kuru milliyetçilikle yetinen yöneticilerimizin de haberi olur bundan, boş vaatlerle değil icratle gelsinler vatandaşın karşısına.

ComScore: Internet Population Passes One Billion; Top 15 Countries

The number of people on the Internet surpassed one billion in December, according to comScore. The actual number is probably higher than that (Internet World Stats counted nearly 1.5 billion Web surfers worldwide as of June 30, 2008). In any case, only between 15 and 22 percent of the world’s population is on the Internet. We have a long way to go.

Using the comScore numbers, here is the breakdown by country and region (in unique visitors as of December, 2008; some of the numbers are rounded):

Top 15 countries, by Internet population:

1. China: 179.7 million
2. United States: 163.3 million
3. Japan: 60.0 million

4. Germany: 37.0 million
5. United Kingdom: 36.7 million
6. France: 34.0 million
7. India: 32.1 million

8. Russia: 29.0 million

9. Brazil: 27.7 million

10. South Korea: 27.3 million

11. Canada: 21.8 million

12. Italy: 20.8 million

13. Spain: 17.9 million

14. Mexico: 12.5 million

15. Netherlands: 11.8 million

Worldwide Internet Audience

* Asia Pacific: 416 million (41.3%) * Europe: 283 million (28.0%) * North America: 185 million (18.4%) * Latin America: 75 million (7.4%) * Middle East & Africa: 49 million (4.8%)

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